BCI + Our Work In The NEws
BCI and our partners support the emergence of a regional solidarity economy in the Washington, DC region through support for cooperatives and collectives, organizing campaigns to decriminalize street vending and win funding for excluded workers, solidarity lending, and mutual aid via on-the-ground and financial support for migrants bused to DC. Read and learn more about our recent work below. (For all media inquiries, please contact us.)
Co-op Support
Nonprofit Quarterly
Building the Spokes in the Wheel of a Solidarity Economy: A DC Story
2022 Co-op Innovation award
Innovative Ideas in Communities of Color Receive $170,000 in Grants
Health Equity Fund
Greater Washington Community Foundation Announces $9.2 Million in Health Equity Fund Grants
The Campaign to Decriminalize Street Vending IN DC
Next City
D.C.’s Street Vendor Regulations Formalize The Informal
The Washington post
D.C. street vendors have long worked in fear. That might change.
D.C. Council Votes Unanimously To Overhaul Street Vending Laws
D.C. Street Vendors Garner Crucial Council Support For Decriminalization Bill
DC Street Vendors Win Support of Chairman Mendelson after Years of Organizing
D.C. Street Vendors Push Back Against Criminalization
Washington City Paper
A 17-year-old street vendor renews the push to decriminalize street vending in D.C.
DC street vendors launch catering co-op amid decriminalization efforts
The Washington Post
D.C. street vendors sang of their fears and wants. Why that matters.
D.C. Street Vendors Stage Pop-Up Vending Zone To Push For Council Vote On Decriminalization Bills
Street Vendors Renew Call To Decriminalize Unlicensed Selling Before 2025
Vendedores Ambulantes Renuevan Llamado A Despenalizar La Venta Sin Licencia Antes Del 2025
El Tiempo Latino
Vendedores informales de DC piden descriminalizar las ventas callejeras
City Cast dc
The Push to Decriminalize Street Vending
Por pandemia, vendedores ambulantes dependen de donaciones para sobrevivir
The Washington Informer
Street Vendors Want D.C. Council to Pass Two Friendly Bills
Migrant Mutual Aid
Vanity Fair
“The Border Has Come to D.C.”: GOP Governors Have Successfully Created a Migrant Crisis in Washington
Inside The Local Mutual Aid Effort Supporting The Migrants Texas Bused To D.C.
The Washington Post
Immigrants looking for new lives are not a National Guard emergency
Excluded Worker Campaign
Washington City Paper
Excluded Workers Still Excluded From Bowser’s Budget
The Washington Post
D.C. Council approves 2023 budget
D.C.'s excluded workers ask for $160M in mayor's budget
COVID-19 & Worker Protections
Washington City Paper
COVID-19 Cases Continue to Rise in D.C.